Faster R-CNN: Model Design


Faster R-CNN Model Structure:

        |          Input Image          |
        |    Convolutional Backbone     |------------------|
        +-------------------------------+                  |
                        |                                  |
                        |                                  |
                        |                                  |
                        |                                  |
                        |                                  |
        +-------------------------------+                  |
        | Region Proposal Network (RPN) |                  |
        +-------------------------------+                  |
                        |                                  |
                        |                                  |
        |       RoI Pooling Layer       |
        |     Fully Connected Layers    |------------------|
        +-------------------------------+                  |
                        |                                  |
                        |                                  |
                        |                                  |
                        |                                  |
                        |                                  |
        +-------------------------------+  +-------------------------------+
        |        Classification         |  |          Localization         |
        +-------------------------------+  +-------------------------------+


  • both the RoI pooling layer and its following-up FC layers constitute the Fast R-CNN detector [3]

  • the backbone convolutional network adapts ZF or VGG [13]

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