Convolution: Introduction

Interpreted by Filtering

\(f * h\) is (at least) as good as the best properties of \(f\) and \(h\) separately (as long as \(h\) is not a delta function)

  • Filtering a signal (function) is to eliminate some of its frequency and let the others go through, then check the consequences in the time domain.

  • Filter is a system that convolves an input (which can vary) with a fixed signal (function), a.k.a. impulse response

  • In the frequency domain, filtering is just multiplication: \(G = F \cdot H\)

  • In the time domain, filtering is synonymous with convolution: \(g = f * h\) where \(h\) is the fixed fixed impulse response, or the inverse Fourier transform of the transform function \(H\).

  • It is easy to understand filtering (convolution) in terms of frequency, not so easy in the time domain

  • low-pass filter works as a smoother: removing the short-term fluctuations and leaving the longer-term trend.

  • high-pass filter: e.g. edge detection

  • To design a filter is to design \(H\)


If \(f\) is differentiable, convolution \(f * g\) is differentiable:

\[(f * g)' = f' * g\]

Back to Fourier Transform.